

Dr. Morris Hund

Dr. Morris Hund is a Psychiatrist with Sanford Health and has previously worked for the Veterans Association Hospital in Fargo, ND.  He is a clinical associate professor of neuroscience at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences and has served on the Board of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - ND Chapter. 


Dr. William Burns

Dr. William Burns has a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Iowa State University and earned his Masters in Counseling from Trum State University. Dr. Burns is the Director of the North Dakota State University Counseling Center and serves as the president of the International Accreditation of Counseling Services. 


Jeremy Brown

Jeremy Brown is the Outreach Director for FirstLink, an agency dedicated to answering the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for the entire state of North Dakota and western Minnesota. He is also a certified Mental Health First Aid Trainer and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Instructor.

Katie Cashman Fitzsimmons

As the Director of Student Affairs for the North Dakota University System, Katie oversees the health and wellness of 9 college campuses across the state hosting over 47,000 students. Specifically she works on Title IX, mental health, substance abuse prevention, suicide prevention, diversity and social justice, student health insurance, student voting, system-wide immunization records and EHR systems at three schools, broad health initiatives, such as tobacco-free campus designations, and providing training and support for colleagues in these areas.

Laura Gitter

Laura Gitter is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Licensed Addiction Counselor with over 22 years of experience in behavioral health. Gitter is trained in many methods including Gottman Method Couples Therapy-Level 1, Cognitive Behaviora Therapy, Dialietical Behavior Therapy andTrauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Gitter currently serves as a Clinical Lead for the State of North Dakota's Crisis Response System.


Sarah Kemp Tabbut

Sarah Kemp Tabbut is the Community Engagement and Partnerships Coordinator for the Fargo Veterans Association. She is a clinical Social Worker with extensive experience in mental health and suicide prevention. Tabbut is a Counseling on Access to Lethal Means Trainer and has served on the Board of Directors for the Fargo Moorhead Coalition for Ending Homelessness.

Tarah Cavett

Tarah Cavett is a Licensed Professional Counselor, MA, NCC, LPCC-S. Cavett has over 16 yars of experience in evidence-based approaches such as CBT for anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. She currently serves as a Clinical Lead for the State of North Dakota's Crisis Response System.